Members Discount for Academy 3 with Justine Gaubert

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Justine Gaubert's Marketing Academy 3 is open for applications from social enterprises, marketing teams of housing associations and small to medium enterprises.

Justine Gaubert is an award-winning Sheffield based brand consultant and social entrepreneur. She is offering a discounted price to her academy for SSEN members.

Time to take stock and create the space to get more targeted with your marketing and social media.

Find out who your customers, beneficiaries and stakeholders are now after the 2020 shakedown, where they are, what they REALLY care about, and where the money will be.

Work closely with a small group each week to help share best practice and help you prioritise strategy over the day job.

Find out more www.justinegaubert/academy3 or drop her line

We really recommend Justine’s course and are hearing great things about it from those we know that have already completed it. This is one of our first discount offers for our members. Watch this space for more!